Wednesday, March 13, 2013

5 days



It's right around the corner, i can see the starting line. it's right there. I can see it. This new adventure i am about to embark on is starting. Really starting, in 5 days. I know that the night before i ship out, i will probably not sleep. at all. I will be so incredibly nervous and excited, that i won't be able to sleep. This is so crazy, that we are finally hitting the destination. 

You know, i have to say. I am really lucky. i have an amazing support system of amazing family, friends, and old co workers. I also feel so lucky that at the young age of 22 almost 23 all of my dreams are finally coming true. After putting off the army for so long, i've finally achieved it. And then i will get my nursing degree soon after that. Then...well. A couple other dreams of mine came true over the last few months as well. 

There is so much that i want to talk about in this blog. I just don't know where to begin. So, instead i will just go on a rambling session. Which may i add, i am quite good at. 

I didn't think that the day would ever come that i would finally be at the single digits. we are right there. right there. The next 4 years are probably going to change my life. And everyone keeps saying that the experience will change a part of me and that i will come back a changed person. So, we shall see about that one. And on some level i hope that it doesnt change me too much. Because overall, i do like who i am as a person. Which i have to say, is pretty amazing that i can say that. A lot of people in todays society can't say that. 

And on another note. Even though i have been through a lot in my childhood, and had a bit of a rocky upbringing. My life has turned out pretty amazing. And i've turned into a decent person i would say. I don't smoke, i don't do drugs, i drink only occasionaly. Plus, i have amazing family and friends. What more could someone ask for?

Well, i think that is long enough of a ramble for today. 

"make a wish and place it in your heart, anything you want, everything you want. do you have it? good. now believe it can come true. , you never know where the next miracle can come from. the next smile. the next wish come true. but if you believe that its right around the corner, and if you open your heart and mind to the possiblilty of it. to the certainity to it. you just might get the thing you’re wishing for . the world is full of magic you just have to believe in it. so make your wish. do you have it? good. now believe in it, with all your heart."

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