Sunday, January 27, 2013

50 Days

Howdy all, 

So, as of tomorrow we will offically be in the 40's! YESSSSS! That means when i go back to work on Thursday we will just barely be a little over the one month mark of when i leave for basic training. Which i have to say is frickin awesome! because from what other future soldiers that i have talked to once you hit the one month mark the time FLYS by. So, as you can all tell i cannot wait. 

After basic training i was going to get a new laptop. But to be honest i do not know if my laptop will last that long. I believe it is ready to crash any day now. And i have some money saved up. so i think i might have to invest and get a new laptop pretty soon. probably before i leave for basic training. Great..

This next week i am going to work on making sure my bills are set up for Auto Pay while i am in Basic Training. That will be easy. But its pretty important that i get that taken care of. Since i will pretty much be in another world while in Basic training and wont have time to really make sure that is taken care of. 

So, i lost about 4-5 pounds while i was in New Mexico. I guess all that discipline on my healthy eating and working out while i was gone really helped. because now i only have 10 pounds to lose before i leave. thank goodness. So we are now in the home stretch. But i know how stubborn those last 5-10 pounds can be sometimes. I've been doing about 2 workouts a day. Going to CrossFit and then a 4-6 mile run afterwards. So, i might have to change some things up if these last few pounds prove to be really stubborn. On days that i work i haven't been running after i get home. So i might have to start doing that again to get things a moving a little quicker. We shall see. 

Well tomorrow or Tuesday i am going to drop off something to my Recruiter that will prove one step closer to getting promoted to E-3 before i leave. can you say awesome?! With my college credits, Army Physical Fitness Test, and my Future Soldiers Tests i will be promoted. So that is pretty damn awesome. That is an extra 400-500 bucks a month if I'm not mistaken. Saweet! 

So, every week i have been going to my recruiting station and doing PT(Physical Training), and i am one of 2 girls and most of the others are guys straight out of high school. So it kind of makes me feel old. haha. But a lot of them are not in decent shape like they should be. When we were doing the 2 mile Run one day i was passing these 6 foot guys. Kinda funny. haha! But, I'm hoping that me being in pretty decent shape will help me in Basic Training in the long run. So lets just wait and see on that one. 

Well, thats it for now. 


If there is just one piece of advice i can give you, it's this- When there is something you really want, fight for it, don't ever give up. No matter how hopeless it seems. And when you've lost hope, ask yourself if in 10 years from now, you're gonna wish you gave it just one more shot. Because the best things in life, they don't come free. 

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