Saturday, January 26, 2013

51 Days

Hi There, 

Well i got home from New Mexico about 4 hours ago and immediately crashed and took a 4 hour nap. I guess i was tired. 

I was planning on getting right to cleaning and organizing as soon as i get home. But well that didn't happen. I'll start in a little bit before dinner. 

And i have officially decided that after basic training, i am getting a new laptop. i love my Macbook and all but after 6 long years this thing is ready to crash pretty soon. I'll probably upgrade and get a Macbook Pro. But we shall see. 

Hopefully tomorrow i will get my room finished with the cleaning and all that way on Monday i can get my car all cleaned up. That way i can hopefully have Tuesday and Wednesday to hopefully relax before going back to work on Thursday. I just have so much crap, and its so hard to decide what I'm going to get rid of, what i want to keep and what i want sent to me when i get to my first duty station, and so on. I know that once i get to AIT i am allowed to have more stuff with me and there is some more flexibility as far as freedom goes. Plus we get weekends off and can go off base on the weekends if we choose to. So, my plan is to put a bag together of stuff that i want to have sent to me once i get to AIT. so that my dad can just send it off. instead of going through my stuff and picking stuff out and so on. Plus from what i hear I won't be coming home in between Basic Training and AIT. So I want to be sure and have everything all ready. 

Goodness me, it feels like i have so much to take care of. I know that i will get it taken care of in no time. But still, everything happened so fast. Honestly when i started the Application process for the Army i didn't think i would leave for Basic Training until Summer. But hey i lucked out. And i honestly would leave sooner for Basic Training if i could. It is kinda funny but i already pretty much have a bag packed for basic training. Kind of sad huh? What can i say i am VERY excited. I mean come on, I'm having dreams about Basic Training. One night i had a dream about meeting my Drill sergeants, and then another night i had a dream about doing push ups for my DS. It's official I'm a Weirdo. 

Well tomorrow morning i will get on the scale and see How i did while i was in New Mexico. So we shall see. Cross your fingers for me. I know i was very good while there. I didn't cheat on my meals, drank plenty of water, and worked out every day while i was there. But sometimes that scale can be so stubborn. I'm just really trying to lose those last 15 pounds. 

Well i think that is a long enough rant for today.


When they came for the jews, i remained silent for i was not a jew. when they came for the homosexuals, i remained silent for i was not a homosexual. when they came for the protestants, i remained silent for i was not a protestant. when they came for me, i cried out, but there was no one left to listen.

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